Pension assistant for AlexisHR
The Pensions Assistant is a digital employee who builds secure links between payroll and occupational pensions.
How the connection with AlexisHR works
Keeping all employee data up to date is a constant and time-consuming process.
It's easy for a change to be overlooked and not reported to the insurance companies, or perhaps to be incorrect. Corrections are a hassle and time consuming. If the records are inaccurate, important insurance policies, such as health insurance, are affected.
With the help of the Pensure Pension Wizard, duplication of effort is avoided. Through daily checks of changes in AlexisHR, the assistant ensures that the administration of salaries, employment and pensions is correct.

How to get started
The Pension Wizard is available to Pensure customers. Activate the integration by going to the "Integrations" tab. Then log in to AlexisHR to retrieve an Access Key. This you paste into Pensure.
Hard to choose? We'll help you find the right one!
Pensure offers a smart digital platform for easy start-up and administration of sustainable and affordable occupational pensions with no insurance fees. Book a demo and get your questions answered right away!