Sweden's easiest solution for occupational pensions, with the best benefits in the country
We make life easier for you as an employer and contribute to a more secure pension for your employees.
✓ Save valuable time & money
✓ Avoid all the expensive fees
✓ Handle with ease

Do like hundreds of companies - switch to Pensure
Fredrik Cederborg, TechFactory
"The benefits are many, but the most important thing for us was the simplicity, agility and overview their digital platform gives us!"
Pernilla Fornbäck, Bokio
"Pensure is incredibly flexible and easy to use. It's easy to manage staff and the platform is as stylish as it is intuitive!"
Pelle Nyman, NN Invest
"I found Pensure to have a simple and intuitive digital solution, as well as few costs to burden my future pension!"
Say goodbye to traditional administration
Administering employees' pensions is often a hassle, when in fact it should be simple and time-efficient.
That's why Pensure has developed Pensionsassistenten - a digital employee who builds secure links between HR and pensions. This unique concept has been developed together with AlexisHR, but has now also been integrated into the personnel systems Fortnox Lön and Björn Lundén Lön.
The Pensure Pension Assistant avoids duplication of effort and retroactive changes altogether.

Digital & simple platform
Our innovative platform helps companies manage employee pensions and makes it easy to keep all data up to date.
Fully automated API solution
Using smart integrations to the payroll system, we replace manual processing with a fully automated solution.
Pensure is as safe as the bank - but better
✓ Over 100 years of experience in pensions and insurance
✓ Authorised by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority
✓ Pensure is a member of SFM and InsureSec
✓ Your savings are placed in sustainable funds with SPP

It's easy to get started
1 - Book a demo
The first step is to book a demo where you will meet one of our experienced advisors.
2 - Adapt your plan
We have several different pension savings plans and in consultation with our experts you choose the plan that suits you best.
3 - Watch savings grow
Once you're up and running and you've chosen a plan, it's time for your employees to start saving - for a rich and wonderful retirement!